Hi all
Things have slowed a little.  This is a good thing.
A little guy named Fusser came in.  He waz met by Smokey, Rusti, Mysti
Ferret and a bunch of others.  The meeting waz warm but I would not say
they were glad to see him.  They did want to know what waz going on at
home with all da gossip and stuff.  They sat around and talked for some
time about many things.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da sights
and attractions.  They finally ended up over at da Wrestling Matches
where he said he waz going to be a star.  They watched for some time and
he noted all da weaknesses and strengths of hiz would be opponents.  He
entered his first match where he didn't do to bad and after a hard fought
battle did finally win.  I guess it wasn't as easy as it looked.  He did
get in a couple of other matches but he didn't want to go into details
about them.  His companions would have definately told all though and
seemed kinda smug about it.  He did have to stop by da Babyfood Balconey
and get a bite after all dat exercise.  He said to send lots of luv and
hugs and cuddles to hiz daddy.
I checked in my puter on da little girl Ruby.  She waz over at da Tube
Races watching all da competiters run.  She seemed to be having a good
time just watching and she did cheer for her favorites there.  She said
to tell her mommy dat she missed her bunches and waz here waiting when
she got here.  She said she is doing well here and not to worry about
her.  She also said to pass on her luv and lots of kisses and hugs.
""This a letter for little Angel from da Rainbow Bridge""
Thank you little one for da kind words on my birthday.  I am very happy
to hear from you and look foward to you getting here although you should
not hurry as there is plenty of time.  I do indeed watch over you from
here although all I can send is my luv for now.  Things are really grand
up here and there is plenty of things to do and explore.  You take care
of everyone down there while I am not there and give them all my luv
especially Mommy Kat and Daddy Tommy.  Take care little one.
Daddy Kisdafur
I am off to da races.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4074]