>I've been looking for a new apt the last couple weeks, and found one
>thats pretty nice, but it has radiator heat.  I just know the girls will
>have to investigate them when they make noise in the winter.  Is there
>any way to block them so it still heats the room, but the girls can't
>injure themselves?  Also, what if the one in their room blows? ...  I'm
>just not sure if this is the right apt to get or not."
Radiator covers have been around for a long time-you might be able to
find some nice decorative ones at home improvement stores or antique
stores or salvage yards, or you can make a nice one with wood and a
sort of metal sheeting they sell for that purpose-the metal sheets are
sometimes meshy (though that would be easier for a fert to climb) or
they're sometime like punched tin or small-holed grate-like material.
The other nice thing about radiator covers, besides that they hide ugly
radiators or protect you from them without confining the heat, lots of
them form handy shelves above the radiator!
-April Armstrong Campbell
"I can't believe it!  Reading and writing actually paid off!"
-Homer Simpson, "The Simpsons"
[Posted in FML issue 4085]