Boric acid (borax) is definitely NOT safe for animals.  Nor is it really
safe for people.  When used carefully around people who know not to mess
with it, it can be used without harm.  That does not mean it is not a
dangerous substance, however.  OSHA in fact classifies it as a hazardous
Around people, boric acid can be used without harm.  Since it is hard to
convince your fuzzies not to play in it, sniff it, or taste it, I would
NOT use it around them.
Never, never assume that "natural" means "not dangerous".  Belladonna is
all natural, after all, as is fugu (pufferfish).  That little sucker
contains one of the deadliest nerve toxins known to man.  Definitely
natural, and definitely NOT safe.
roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear
[Posted in FML issue 4085]