Hello All,
Chris wrote;
>As far as my Weeds story with pot in a film canister.  The potential
>danger of what could have happened ( had the film canister opened ) was
>not lost on me.I hope the idea was not lost on anyone else either.  As
>a nurse I am well aware of what happens when any critter or human
>accidentally ingests drugs or opiates.  The story was funny because it
>ended this way.  Had it ended differently, it would be a tragic story.
I have first hand knowledge of how dangerous drugs can be .  As for the
pot possibly killing a ferret, I must disagree, pot is dry has alot of
roughage .  I wouldn't think that a ferret could ingest enough pot to
kill them , I think the ferret was attracted to the "skunky" smell of
most pot and if it did open the canister it would most likely roll in it
for the scent, many predators use smelly items such as feces to mask
there scent so as the prey won't smell them on the wind.  If they were
to eat it they would gag before eating enough (cotton mouth?) to be
It wise to keep all toxic items away from our pets .  All pet owners know
that poisonous compounds such as antifreeze, rat bait, bleach, bug sprays
and the like are deadly to our pets but there are many more that can
cause illness, the difinbackia plant (spell check) is deadly and its a
common house plant.  Cigarette butts have been found in ferret stomachs
causing blockage, on that subject , blockages are a more common a problem
then poisons , rubber bands are very common, clear plastic packing tape,
plastics from toys even those said to be harmless can break apart.  Just
about everything soft has potential.
Opiates are a whole different story , one vicodan will kill a ferret in
less then a few minutes, if you don't have Norcan you will never get the
pet to the vet fast enough.  As for opiates, there should never be any in
your house , most people don't know how addictive opiates are , it can
take just three days of continuos use to become addicted.  If you have a
few in the medicine cabinet from the last trip to the dentist DUMP THEM.
Addition to Vicodan , percacet, T-3's , and other opiates are one of the
leading and hardest drugs to quit, I know , after a bad surgery I was in
such pain that I was on a PCA for 10 days , afterwards I needed vicodan
on a daily basis because of the pain (by prescription) , after 3 years I
finally quit, it was living hell for a week.  I'm clean and sober for
almost a year now ...
Excuse me for getting personal here but I happy for my accomplishments
and just wanted to pass along a warning , never take opiates for more
than two days , if you are taking them daily for pain , evaluate your
situation, don't let that fact that they are "under doctors orders" be
an excuse or a reason to turn a blind eye...
BTW, the pain went away soon after I quit,
Z32weasel Mark Bethke 818 342-6859
[Posted in FML issue 4084]