The first place we lived with ferrets had this.  We also had an
ornamental metal supply place in that town so we picked a perforation
design we liked, ordered the lengths at the right size, spray painted
them, then attached then over the radiator as ornamental covers with
wire.  They looked gorgeous and radiated heat fine with no damage to the
radiators, plus the ferrets could not get into the dangerous spots.  The
metal did heat up but the ferrets respected that and there was no problem
with it.  The ones you are looking at sound different from the type we
had, though.
Kat asks:
>how do you explain being able to do this from across the miles...
By having marvelous listening skills when the people talk.  Have to
respect that ability and recognize that people often say more than they
recall saying, especially when nervous.  Again, that's my take.  I mean,
we're talking about a faith issue, so people will vary in their choices
on what to believe and that has to be respected (from BOTH sides).  If
it doesn't reduce medical care, or cause people to neglect good vet
diagnoses or advice, and doesn't play into someone not looking carefully
into health options in day to day living and in treatments then it's a
difference in belief systems that doesn't hurt the ferrets.  If it
undermines those essentials for a given person's ferrets then it does
hurt those ferrets and THAT is the potential danger for some.  You *have*
pursed vet care as is only right, so...
Gabrielle wrote:
>Further, the potential for people to misuse something is no reason for
>the rest of us not to use it discuss it.  For instance, I think it is
>likely that people who rely solely on melatonin instead of lupron are
>doing their ferrets a disservice, but it happens all the time, and I
>don't say that we shouldn't discuss how to use melatonin.
Well, I do have to point out an incredibly important way that this
differs from a faith discussion.  Melatonin IS BEING STUDIED in careful
work by Dr. Jerry Murray and a some folks at Texas A&M.  It may turn out
that your opinion is right, it may turn out that your opinion is wrong,
but people will KNOW because there will be hard data when this study is
done.  Hard data differs greatly from opinions and that is something that
I have found that far too many people recognize.  Some things are NOT
just opinions, they have actual weight behind them.  Those things which
have solid data behind them need to be valued far more highly in health
choices than hypotheses or opinions.
(BTW, I recently learned from JM that the concept that IBD can lead to
later lymphoma in a small percentage of ferrets is still just a
hypothesis; boy was that a relaxing thing to learn.  I know that some
hypotheses pan out, but others don't, so I find that knowing one from
the other helps a lot in dealing with the medical problems of ferrets,
expectations, and worries.  Since others and I have mentioned this here
before maybe knowing this about IBD will also help someone else feel
more relaxed.)
[Posted in FML issue 4084]