talking to the animals
On some aminals this is true ,
FISH; my blue gourami's watch us all the time , my killifish will brush
against my hand when I'm doing maintainence.  Part of this is because as
I clean I squash snails and he takes them from my fingers
BIRDS : When We had finches (Gouldian) they would land on my finger but
that was the extent of that.
CATS: She ignores us unless you goto the kitchen then it's all about
pimping for snacks , other than that she thinks of us as "Those Humans".
FERRETS: we have two very smart one's , both come when you call , both
leap off the couch when I say "OFF" and attack (playfully) when I say
DOGS; As long as you have a tennis ball most dogs think of you as GOD,
SNAKES; I don't even think they know who we are otyher than the hand that
drops in the mouse or the warm branch it wraps around.
HUMANS; These all have a mind of there own , the male of the species is
fixated on the Television the refridgerator or the new HOT ROD magazine,
The Female of the species seems to hood shoes, tries to fit into things
far too small, and denigns it's age.  other than that the Human is a very
strange mammal , futher study is needed
[Posted in FML issue 4083]