many of you have stated that it just takes empathy and that anyone can
tell what their pet is thinking...just by knowing your pet...looking in
their eyes...their body language...
i PARTIALLY agree...i believe most everyone has the innate ability...but
many have not 'honed' it...
you who are most vocally opinionated on this seem to agree...IF you know
your animal...can see the body the circumstances...etc...
but my question is...
how do you explain being able to do this from across the miles...
withOUT knowing the particular animal?
withOUT seeing the body language?
withOUT being privvy to the circumstances?
tell me HOW they can give you specifics that they can not possibly know.
you are discounting, out of hand, a whole group of ppl.  is this just
because you can not believe in...or even accept... a concept that you
do not "understand"?
i still agree that this is not a substitute for vet care...that should
be so obvious...and some innocents may need to know that...
but i do NOT agree that it is nothing special...i think it is a very
special gift...and yes...a GIFT...not only to understand your own
pets...many of us have that ability...but to communicate with others... takes training to develop your ability...and i am in awe of those
who do this...
may i ask why it is so important for some of you to 'totally' discount
this ability as essentially a farce?
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Fuzzy Frenzy [17]
Missing my own...Rascal, LWG, Narmy, OldGuy, Pye, Sandi, Jack...and the
biggest pieces of my heart...Sonny & Charlie... And a special, special
guy...Geezer...and so many more kept close in my heart...
My Afghan Page...
My Help4ADV....
[Posted in FML issue 4083]