Wolfy wrote:
>I use them as an example of how to be polite.  Ferrets who live together
>and like each other, never break out into real fights (or if they do it
>must be rarely), they don't take anything out of each others mouths, and
>at times > respect each others property.
You folks with sharing, caring ferrets must have very polite little fur
kids, not at all like mine!  They all get along great, never fight, and
all sleep in a big pile.  But when it comes to treat time, it's
dog-eat-dog!  One of them came up with a blood-curdling squeal to scare
another ferret away from his or her treat, then grab it and run.  Another
one learned this technique from the first, and when the two of them use
it on each other, you'd think someone was going to die!  My 100-lb. dog
is more polite to the ferrets; he lets them eat right out of his dish.
He just sits back and waits 'til they're done stealing his food.
BTW, the little monsters didn't learn this from me!  I'm very polite, I
would never steal anyone's treats, never!
Nancy and critters
[Posted in FML issue 4083]