My Name is Shawn McBride, I help run FERRETCORNER in Arizona.  We are
trying to come up with a "REPORT CARD" for pet stores, what I would
ask of you is to ask TEN questions of a pet store.  Email me at
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These are the ten most important questions you would ask the "OWNERS" of
the pet store about there ferrets housed in there store.  I will compose
from the questions submitted a TEST for all the stores we visit on a
scale from F=failing to an A=outstanding.  These "GRADES" will be sent
to the owners of the store and posted on our web site for all to see.
Thank You for your help,
Shawn P. McBride
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               Fuzzy's "R" Us!!!
             Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4083]