Well, been living two weeks in Oregon and I have four job offers after
nothing for 8 months in CA.  And!  I have a ferret again.  I can take him
with me everywhere.  He can go in the windows, I can tell people I have a
ferret.  "Phfft!" to CA.
My new fellow is a light sable male.  He was found in the wilderness
almost dead.  He had big patches of fur missing, covered with fleas and
starved.  He is now very happy, healthy and has all his fur back.  He is
very gentle, no nipping at all.  On the first day he sle[pt in my lap,
today he dragged his nap-sack under my pillow and moved in there.
I spent the day sewing him blankies, nap-sacks, hammocks and a ferret
carry sack.  He has an appointment with the local paper, the Chamber of
Commerce, and the local pet store.  They all want to meet him.  Then he
has an appointment with the Vet for his shots and another check-up (and
for me to check this Vet out to see if he is good enough for out little
Alls well here in Southern Oregon.  Deva
[Posted in FML issue 4073]