My sweet little boy, Spot, was sound asleep this morning.  The other
eight little monkeys were all running around having their play time
before work.  (They sleep in their bedroom most nights, then come out
for playtime in the morning, sleep in their room while I'm at work, and
then come out for free roam play when I get home.) Spot is usually an
early riser and will lie across my feet as I'm going through my morning
grooming routine.
Not today.  He was sleeping the sleep of the dead.  No matter how I shook
his hammock, no matter how many times I called his name, no matter if I
tried tickling his nose, he was fast asleep.  He would just tuck his face
more tightly into his belly and let out a little snore.  I couldn't even
get a one-eye-cracked-half-open glance from him.
So I gave up.  I went into the kitchen and grabbed the treat canister to
signal the rest of the gang that it was time for me to leave for work.
As I started putting treats out on the floor for everyone, suddenly I was
one short.  There was Spot, wide awake as could be, looking up at me as
if to say "Well, I'm here.  Where's my treat?" Little devious fur RAT!
All morning I wanted him to wake up for a little kiss and cuddle time
before work, but he played possum until the last moment!  If I find him
hanging upside down by his tail tomorrow morning............
[Posted in FML issue 4080]