Our local news station just did an expose on the internet medicine sites.
(I tried to find a link to the story but it's already gone.  Sorry!)  The
gist of the story was that after you pay for shipping, you don't save
much money.
What I thought was the more interesting bit of news is that over 20
states attorneys general are suing and trying to shut down the two big
sites.  It seems that they fill prescriptions illegally, often even
forging prescriptions.  I believe the main focus of their work is geared
towards cats and dogs, mostly flea, heatworm meds rather than the type
you would need for your little ones anyway.
I love to shop online for good deals, but with the legality issues those
companies are facing, it's probably safer to just stick with your vet and
local pharmacies.  You might ask your vet and any others in the area if
there are other people ordering the same medications.  Sometimes you can
pool with other ferret parents to get more meds in bulk and that will
bring the costs down.
[Posted in FML issue 4079]