Ok, many knew whom Tara was talking about.  I certanly knew.  I have a
friend that is on Tara's board and awhile back she told me that Tara had
made her first rule.  No taking stuff from her board and carrying it to
another board without the person who posted's permission.
I waited before I posted to see how Kat would react.  She apparently
didn't know that Tara was going to "defend" her.  Looks like she broke
her own rule, however that's not my oringinal point.
Say the name Kim Fox and all the Kim bashers are going to pounce!
Period!  She could donate $5000.00 to charity and the Kim bashers would
be screaming about how she should have kept the money for future use on
her ferrets so she wouldn't have to ask for a $20.00 donation later on
in the year.
It's time you people quit with Kim, as hard as you watch her, maybe
someday you'll have a legitamite complaint.  Till then, we can tell a
bashing when we see one and we won't listen because of the cry wolf
I adore Kim, I adore Kat, I even used to respect Tara but it seems that
Tara is now openly joining the Kim bashers.  There isn't enough time on
this world to justify bashing someone.
I am going to try to practice what I preach, but I am also going to
justify my letter as that of Kim is a loving caring person as is Kat and
Kat also has brains in her head, she doen't need saving from the big bad
And the only reason I see that anyone should have been upset with Val is
that she got several more ferrets knowing that she was trying to get in
the service.
[Posted in FML issue 4079]