Well, Everyone,
I am not as good with words as some of you, I guess that is why Alexandra
is writing for Ferrets magazine, and i am not?
But, i have had experience in a few of the fields discussed as hot topics
on the recent posts to the fml, and here is my 2 cents.
First of all, when my Eppy went missing, i contacted an animal
communicator, and psychic, a tarot card reading , and also many of the
fmlr's had written me, regarding Eppy.  The animal communicator helped
me, with encouragement, and also with a little discouragement, but it
was my choice, the psychic, sure mentioned a porch with lattice work,
(i learned just how many porches of that description there are in the
neighborhood, let alone a city of 80,000 plus, the tarot card reading,
helped me too...they all gave me the strength to keep on looking for
him, if they did not point me to any particular spot, like the X, on
a treasure map, as Eppy was my treasure.  How ever, the others, who
continually kept in touch with me, regarding my search, told me, that
they had seen Eppers with a hand reaching down to him?  NO face, no
gender, no location, but...they saw and they felt.  Lo and behold,
10 weeks later, my Eppy is given over to the Humane Society, here in
Kenosha, and i was called immediately.
Make your own judgements, on these, things that are told you, but you
still have to be the one to make that final decision, whether or not to
believe, and of course, your veterinarian, is the best source, but also
have learned, that ...here, there are not that many vets, that are
skilled in ferret care?  Some are willing to learn, some...will... treat
and , i w/not go there with this issue.  I went through 3 different vets,
before i found the one just perfect for my ferrets, and she & he are in
my own back yard, nearly a walk away, non emergency.  Dr. Maggie Regner
is their attending physician, and Dr. Carlisle is their surgeon, and they
are both wonderful , knowlegable vets.  Dr. Carlisle takes special care
of my babies, is a meticulous man, and very thourough when he is doing
surgery on any of them, and in the evening, the day of their surgery,
will even take them home with him at night.  ( I love that man!)  To take
special pains and time out of his own, to ensure that my babies are going
to come through this fine, he will give of his own free time for them.
Dr. Regner and I have butted heads on occasion, but she is a GOOD
veterinarian, and also Dr. Pisarek, is a known ferret vet, at this
particular hospital, too.
Since, i am probably at my limit for wording, i w/place a 2nd post on the
subject of Troy Lynn, to follow.
to be cont.   [and here it is!:]
part. 2 cont'd.
My Odin is still missing, i am still up to the challenge of looking for
him, for there are many who feel that someone has him, and i hang onto
that thread, lest i become depressed enough, with all the horrible
weather we have had this winter to feel otherwise?  There are those ,
who are looking out for me, in this city, with eyes and ears, too...this
since i have already posted the location, i w/not disclose.
As for Troy Lynn Eckert, look at the shelter list, and what she asks for,
the last time i remember , it was a "book of stamps" , she did not post
her debts for shelter care, nor any other, requests for donations, vet
bills or otherwise.  I would have to say, her motto is " FERRETS FIRST"
2 little words, that bear a lot of impact.  This is a humble woman, who
is very dedicated to the ferrets in her care, and to helping those with
ferrets in obtaining the proper knowledge and care for the ferrets she
can only assist, through contact, be it email, or long distance calls.
Which ever is most affordable or convenient for either.  I have had the
priveledge of cultivating a (hopefully) lasting friendship with this
woman, and she has my utmost respect.  When you speak out against
someone, you not only harm others, but the creatures in their care, and
who is the most important in an issues of this substance?  We are all
quick to point a finger at someone, we disagree with, but where's the
line for compliments?  I think her article on hoarding is one that needs
to be read and reread, if at first it strikes a irritable chord with
oneself, then maybe , one should read it over again, to read what is not
spoken in the lines of the article.  Self examination and realizing just
what our purpose is for sheltering these little beings, is important,
who/what is important, our self esteem,(includes possessions) or the
ferret, (and their happiness and well being) who needs to make the
sacrifices, us or them?  Mankind has domesticated many an animal, only
for their pleasure and at their convenience or inconvenience, & disposed
of them at their discretion?  This can be said for many species in the
animal kingdom.  I have a hard time , visiting the local Humane Society,
i remember the first time, when we moved here, i was there 5 minutes and
left in tears, for all the faces, that i could not provide the love, and
care for, and left, unable to make just one selection, without feeling
like i had dishonored any of the others?  It took me 2 years to go back
there.  The same goes for a ferret shelter i had visited last year?  To
see all those adorable little beings, caged, broke my heart, i got to
take 2 of them home with me that day, but there were so many, in need of
someone to just love and understand them, and their existence, here,
their purpose.  I don't have a great bank account, but the ferrets in my
care get the best food, and the best of care that i can provide, and i
KNOW, that Troy Lynn is doing the same for those in her care, why do you
think she works so hard?  Many of us, work 2 and 3 jobs, to obtain, those
(objects of our affections) (finacial gains/ cars/ homes/ jewels/ the
list goes on, others, to try to right the wrong that we have put upon the
earth and it's inhabitants.  1 minute at a time, 1 hour at a time, 1 day
at a time.
Kudos to Troy Lynn, she is a wonderful concerned human, caring for her
corner of the world and that of many others too.  She has been of great
support to me, and we live many miles from one another, but only a phone
call away .
With great regard, to someone willing to do her best, and sacrifice much.
Donna Christen
[Posted in FML issue 4079]