Coming all the way from the cold, snowing north...even over the Border!
So ... I was reminiscing today about the nice warm summer days filled
with Walkies for Da Handsome Boy and Yard Sales!
Last summer as I was checking out yard sales in St. Catharines, Ontario...
that's a small city near Niagara Falls I stopped at a sale and found a
bag that I was thinking may be a real nice ferret bag to give to a
shelter, btw..the Handsome Boy is not really spoilt cause he has all
these items ya know!..
anyway, the Woman of the house comes over and tells me what a nice
bargain I am getting, so I tell her about looking for ferret related
items so I can send them off to shelters.
Two hours later I did leave!  She showed me a bag she used for her
furkids, made me take and I.D.  tag for Toby, and insisted cause she
wouldn't take money that I take this wonderful ferret book she had...I
said.."I'll pay you for it!" NO!  NO!  This woman was the reason my
ferret lived.  She was on the phone to me, she helped me when the vets
did not know what to do...please take it.
I did.  It is "Domestic ferret Information Materials, compiled by Ms.
Troy Lyn Eckart!
So in a little city of St.  Catharines I come across a very grateful
person that tried to tell ME how much Troy Lynn has helped her!  I
realize how much she helps.  I am grateful I have this book, I am
grateful that if I ask Troy Lyn a question she is right back at me
to answer..I am grateful too that she puts up with my silly jokes
Is that amazing or What!
[Posted in FML issue 4078]