>P.S.  Snickers likes to attack flashlight beams he gets into a hopping
>chirping frenzy when he sees one.
Hi , I really laughed when I read this comment.It is so typically
About PETA.  They have done good work and continue to do good work .  I
cannot say I am against their ideals..  but militancy is militancy in any
form.People who are militant and fanatic, about ANYTHING..even a good
thing cross the line sometimes.But of course every fanatic believes their
cause is the good cause.A lot more people would stand behind PETA becasue
a lot of people ,obviously ,believe in non cruelty and respecting nature
and all life.  When PETA.  does things like superimpose images of nazi
concentration camp victims over images of chicken farms, it alienates
People who believe in kindness believe in kindness and don't need to see
slaughter scenes to validate their beliefs.People who are abusers and
heartless monsters are completley unaffected by slaughter scenes anyway..
they could care less.  So why show us who do care what we already know
Images of pain keep even the well intentioned away.No one likes pain
shoved in their face.
[Posted in FML issue 4073]