this is my last word on has been blown way out of
perportion...but that happens when very passionate and loving people
see things differently...
you are not hurting are hurting kim...and those who want to
communicate with their pets...and i firmly believe that she is capable
of and doing this...
you obviously have not had this to clarify...
"I" set up the questions to be asked...NOT kim...she asks the animals'
human what THEY want to ask...what THEY want the animal to tell them
about...she does not decide that for herself...
i agree...this is not a replacement for vet care...never!!!...and she
never said that it was...and even stated she did not want to do that..
 ...but i would never wish i had not been told anything she has had to
tell me from my Wolfie...
and i hope many more people want to do this...of course i do not advocate
this for medical purposes!!! is not meant for that..nor fair to ask
that of an animal communicator...that needs a vet...and i would hope ppl
are intelligent enough to know that...
this has been one of the most special occurances in my life...Wolfie is
so danged funny!!!...even being sick...he has kept his humor...even if
it is his time to leave...i will have that...forever...
thank you, has meant so very much to me...
again...this is my last word...i felt i needed to respond to the original
post even tho names were not named...many ppl would have known...and had
guessed by the info given...who she was talking about...
again..i agree with ppl not using this to sidestep vets...
but i believe in it completely...unquestionably...i have absolutely no
doubt kim was talking to my Wolfie....
you all have to make up your own minds...
KITY=^..^=KAT and the Kollektive [17]
In Memory of...White Russian...who lost his fight with ADV on May 8, 2002
and Bo on 12- 25-02...and Hershey on 1-13-03..and so many more!
Missing my own...Rascal, LWG, Narmy, OldGuy, Pye, Sandi, Jack...and the
biggest pieces of my heart...Sonny & Charlie... And a special, special
baby...Geezer...and so many more kept safe in my heart...
My Afghan Page...
[Posted in FML issue 4078]