Hi Everyone-
After reading Wolfy's wonderful post about her experience at the Ferret
Symposium in Las Vegas, I thought I would add my two cents.
Simply put, I have never met a more friendly group of people in my life!
Come to a symposium and make instant friends.  No one is allowed to be
shy.  You will be drawn into the circle, shyness and all.
The entire weekend was done professionally and went off without a hitch
from the wonderful and informative veterinarian speakers, to some of the
heart wrenching stories the shelter moms told, to the light-hearted, but
serious presentation of Jeanne Carley (and you will just have to attend
a symposium to find out what I meant by that :-).  And BIG, you are a
natural MC!
The wonderful "stuff" that could be bought from vendors (shelters) you
have all heard of would make any bright eyed ferrets' eyes a little
brighter and there was also plenty of stuff for humans, too.  And if
you spent a bit too much, well..it's was going to a good cause.
The items being raffled were wonderful, and even included one of those
gorgeous afghans.  (Lucky Mary M.)
The food was excellent, and the company even better!  No one was left out
of anything, and I will admit it's the first time I ever went out to have
an informal dinner with over 30 people.  Yes, we made a lot of noise...
but so what?  It was FUN and we stayed in the restaurant for hours, just
talking and getting to know each other.
And the best part-friendships were made that have lasted well past the
days of the symposium.  True, none of us live that close to each other,
but we do keep in touch through e-mail and phone calls.
This next Symposium is shaping up to be even bigger and (could it be?)
better than the one in Las Vegas- Practice makes perfect :-).  I can
hardly wait to go!
Francine Prager
[Posted in FML issue 4078]