This rocks!  This would help skittish deaf ferrets also.  Bob, your steps
are similar to the ones that I have privately told people via email ...
but you do it so much better (of course).  You have it down to a science
and forget nothing.
Ferreters, many biters that are deaf, are fear biters and this method can
work!  Okay?
Bob, I had one biter that was seemingly ... well impossible for me to
touch due to the severe biting.  I just could not do it ... blood,
tearing, not letting go, etc.  I was only 16 at the time.  My mother got
pet handling gloves for me from the rehab center nearby.  I used them for
a while first.  It gave me confidence, and made me extremely calm around
the biter which in turn calmed them.  Before things seemed to go in
circles despite the fact that I was doing everything else right.  The
ferret could sense my tears, could sense my tensing, fear, etc.  It was
like a viscous circle ya know?  The gloves changed everything.  I had
them off in no time.
What are you thoughts in extreme circumstances ... with the limited use
of gloves?
Wolfy's site has MOVED to:
[Posted in FML issue 4103]