>From:    Deborah Kemmerer DVM
>Yes, all the studies I mentioned are published.  Everything is not
>on the web.  I keep print copies of everything I read over the years
>concerning issues that affect my patients.
#I am very disappointed that you did not at least reference the JAVMA
issue number for the study you had mentioned.  Because you are the first
vet that has ever said they have actually seen a study that backs up
annual vaccinations I really want to see it.  My search of the JAVMA
website did not turn up that study.  If you would be so kind to provide
that information so I may try and locate it myself?
>You mentioned a huge list of problems supposedly caused by vaccinations,
>and yet most of those have not been demonstrated in any significant
##Of course you haven't, most vet do not correlate a vaccine given 3
months prior to being the possible cause of a problem cropping up later.
Although not scientific evidence if you ask people when did their pet
have it's vac in relation to the problem you may be surprised at the
answers.  Of course I guess it is even harder to prove the long term
damage but their are studies going on now that may yield that evidence.
>I can't spend all my time defending every aspect of every decision I
## No I am sure you don't have the time for that, but you opened the
door when you mentioned a recent study without providing reference
information.  I have tried to provide that in my posts so that people
could read the studies for themselves.  You being a vet doesn't mean you
shouldn't be held up to the same standards of backing up what you say,
in my book vets should be held up to a higher standard actually.  I
have done alot of research that has backed up my decision to no longer
vaccinate, if their is something that is evidence that I may have made
the wrong decision I, for my companions sake, must pursue in trying to
locate it.  Thank you for your time in your help with that.
[Posted in FML issue 4102]