Erica wrote:
>my ornary escape artist, has taught himself to jump 3' straight off the
>ground, grab the top of the playpen, and pull himself over.  Any ideas
>on something I can use to keep him in the pen?
Do they make lead/cement shoes for ferrets?
Well, It looks like the new baby will be having surgery to repair her
front right paw.  She's running on it and playing.  Doesn't seem to have
much pain, but she can't distend it.  Fortunately she has enough flexion
in it to run and play, but the vet has said that if she doesn't get it
fixed it might not grow right and she could use what range she has in it.
So we'll be back to the vets this week for more x-rays and I think the
wonderful angelic fiance is going to help with the bill.  She says it
will be anywhere from $400 to $600.  I've never had to have surgery on
any of my ferrets.  I have paid that much for a cat that had some pretty
severe trauma to him.  Does that sound right for a dislocated front paw?
I would especially appreciate it if anyone wroking in the vetrinary field
could let me know if it sounds right.  I don't care really, as long as
she's OK in the end, but I'm pretty curious to see if she's quoted me the
"norm".  She says that depending on the severity of it, (still hasn't
been able to come to any determination by the other two x-rays) she may
have to have the ortho vet do the surgery.  I think that might be where
the higher end of the estimate comes from.
How Bout a ferret slumber party!  (If it wouldn't be too much chaos!
LOL) You might want to talk to Shawn about Rocky missing his "other"
friends and make him think of the situation from Rockys perspective.
And, yes, I was serious.  Maybe Rocky could have some company the nights
he sleeps with Shawn.  Is there another ferret that he's particularly
bonded to?  (that wouldn't keep Shawn up all night) Just a thought.
Let us know how it worls out!
[Posted in FML issue 4102]