I am usually just a lurker but, I am really in need of some advise.  I
have a very sick ferret.  It started about 5 weeks ago.  Within 3 days he
lost 1 1/2 pounds, that Saturday, we rushed him to the emergency vets -
X-rays - clear, blood work -- only concern and not much was his liver
enzymes were off a little.  They dehydrated him and let us take him home.
Took him to our regular Vet on Monday-our vet looked over his results and
put him on Clavamox(.25ML every 12 hours) and Reglan (for nausea -- 25ML
3 times a day 30 min prior to feeding) for two weeks.  He seemed to have
bounced back but, after being off the meds for about 4 days he started
turning down food and losing weight again.  Back to the vet and back on
Clavamox and Reglan - that was 2 weeks ago.  He bounced back for about 3
day while still on the meds but, is now not even holding any food down.
We go back to the vet tomorrow for another set of X-rays but, the vet is
really leaning towards Cancer.  Is there anyone out there who has gone
through this with one of these precious little creatures?  Is there
something we are missing when trying to diagnose?
Any and all advise will be helpful.  Do not want him to suffer but, I am
having a very hard time letting go without making sure we have done
everything possible first.  We do know what he has is not contagious
because we have 5 other ferrets and they are all fine.
Chiquito was our most friskiest ferret, helped us ferretproof our home.
Hard to see him like this.
Thank you
Vi, Michael and the brood of 6
[Posted in FML issue 4101]