I had been using Mazuri diet for quite a while, until the local feed
store I was getting it from suddenly stopped carrying it.  They carry
Mazuri everything else, just not ferret diet.
I always mixed it with one or more other premium kitten foods, but the
Mazuri was probably always at least 50% of the mix.  I never had any
complaints about it.
Not having access locally (at least I haven't found another local source)
to Mazuri, I've started mixing some other foods.  Currently it's Iams
kitten mixed with a brand I hadn't heard of before, but I was
sufficiently impressed with the ingredient list to try a small bag.  It's
call Royal Canin (no "e" on the end of that) and despite what the name
might lead you to think, they do make cat and kitten food.  The type I'm
trying is called "BabyCat 34" and is for kittens from weaning up to 4
months of age.  The kibbles are small (no getting wedged on the roof of
the mouth), and the first three ingredients are chicken meal, chicken
fat, and chicken.  The protein minimum is 34% and the fat minimum is 25%.
Now onto the touchy subject... I haven't said anything previously because
belief in animal communication is faith, not science.  I understand both
and I sympathize with both views.  I understand faith - I am a Christian,
by which I mean that I believe in salvation by grace through faith in the
death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the atonement for my sin.  (One
needs to clarify that, because there are a lot of other definitions of
"Christian" out there.) I also understand science - I was a research
assistant in Immunology and Physiology at an Ivy League medical school
for 10 years.  So I understand perhaps better than many what is required
to scientifically prove something and the practical difficulties
involved.  There is room for both science and faith in this world.
I do not believe in animal communication.  On the science side of things,
I do not believe that ferrets have sufficient capability of thought and
language that would be necessary to communicate the types of things that
we've been hearing about.  (How long did it take Irene Pepperberg to
teach an African Grey parrot named Alex the difference between materials,
colors, and shapes, and to teach him to the point that he could correctly
(most of the time) tell her what the difference was between two or more
objects in terms of shape or color or material if she held them up in
front of him?  YEARS.) That is the scientific/animal science
major/skeptic point-of-view talking.  But also, I do not believe in AC
*because of* my faith in God.  Or perhaps more accurately, I don't
believe that the events that people are perceiving as AC, or any other
supernatural event such as visitations, are really what they think they
are.  My faith in God is such that I cannot see AC/visitations/other
psychic what-have-you as "OK" for me to believe in (in the sense of
accepting it as OK for me to try to practice or or even play around
with).  And there are reasons for that, which I won't go into here lest
it be perceived as a sermon of some sort, or might start another
nasty-gram session, which is not what I want to happen.  If you want to
know (and do not just want to flame), feel free to email me off-list.
I will never "slam" someone for saying they practice or believe in AC.  I
also do not expect to change people's minds.  I just thought I'd provide
another point of view.
Best regards,
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For as long as I shall live, I will testify to Love
I'll be a witness in the silences, when words are not enough
With every breath I take, I will give thanks to God above
For as long as I shall live, I will testify to Love
                                -- Avalon
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[Posted in FML issue 4100]