I am relatively new to ferrets and I just got my first one a couple of
weeks ago.  I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about
ferrets and am trying to provide the best care I can for my new pet.
Lately however, my ferret has been hacking, sneezing, and coughing a lot.
Everything else seems fine with him: he eats and drinks normally, he is
very active, and his bowl movements seem to be normal.  As far as I can
tell he has not vomited at all and I have not seen any mucus discharge
from his nose or mouth.  His eyes look fine too.  So basically everything
seems fine except for his frequent coughing and occasional sneezing.
He does play behind furniture a lot so it could be from the dust but I
don't know.  I have also started him on some hairball paste to see if
that helps.  I am worried about him and if anyone could provide any
suggestions about what may be the problem, I would greatly appreciate it.
You can email me at [log in to unmask]
Zach Jorgensen
[Posted in FML issue 4100]