My vet told me that my Gonzo has to loose weight.  Gonzo, by the way,
is not happy about this.  He loves his treats.  Well my fellow ferret
freaks, I need some advice on how to put Gonzo on a "diet".  I feed him
8 in 1 Ultimate with a very small amount of MF (he likes MF the best cuz
it makes his poop smell the worst).  He gets half a Yogie a day and a dab
(about the size of a full Yogie) of ferretvite a day.  I know the
ferretvite is used for weight gain but I am trying to re-potty train him
and he LOVES his ferretvite.  Gonzo is a 3.7 pound-er and big in the
belly.  He loves being mommy's BIG cuddly boy.  I usually fill his food
dish and let him eat a way.  He takes a mouth full, leaves his cage,
chews the food (so the crumbs go into the carpet), and repeats this about
three or four times.  He eats like this about three times a day, but when
I put him in the cage at night, he eats for about five minutes before he
calls it a night.  Now that it is warm, he goes for a walk around the
block every week, and comes Frisbee golfing with me whenever he isn't a
pain to round up and get in his harness (Which is usually once a week but
I go every day).  Well anyway, I need some suggestions on how to put him
on a new diet.  I have been dieting for the past two years and I know it
sucks, and now my poor ferret has to go on one too.
Also, I still need a place where I can find ideas for ferret tattoos.
ANY IDEAS?  I would also like to hear some ways people keep their ferrets
cool in the summer.  [log in to unmask]
Dayna & Gonz-man
[Posted in FML issue 4099]