Sue - THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your obviously touching and dear
story about Tori, your little "Turtle girl." I was just so moved (because
it made me think about my own little precious fuzzies) that I wanted to
provide a little uplifting and encouragement about how you feel regarding
your "coincidence" experience :-) There is no doubt in my mind that you
SO loved your little Turtle Girl and because of the love you GAVE, you
were given the opportunity to RECEIVE this time around .... Your
experiences are Tori's way of thanking you for all the unconditional love
and wonderful care you gave her - cherish and treasure them and remember
that communication between two individuals can definitely be more than
simply vebal talking, esp.  when it's with animals!
I see it this way: If I can believe in a God (my personal higher power)
that I've never physically seen but have certainly seen His love
manifested through others and through personal experiences, then how can
I not also believe in all of the others supernatural, unexplainable,
spiritual things and events and phenomonoms that occur as well?  I've
always been a bit gun-shy to buy into religious and metaphysical and
astrological and borderline stuff like that for me personally, BUT who
am I - a mere mortal with such a finitie understanding of this entire
universe - to question something simply b/c I don't understand it?  What
"hidden knowledge" do I (or anyone else for that matter) possess above
and beyond everyone else that allows me to question your experiences?
Over the years I have tried very hard to make everything make sense in my
life and the lives of others and gain greater peace of mind by trying to
explain the unexplainable, understand that which just didn't make sense,
justify why bad things happened to good people, conclude why events just
"happened" for no rhyme or reason, differential between coincidence and
fact/truth, and everything else in life that just didn't follow logic and
reason.  Well, since channeling my efforts into a more positive direction
that focused more on accepting what I couldn't explain instead of
spending every waking moment trying to DISprove everything, I am happy to
say that life is much more peaceful and less stress-free!!!!!  There is
so much about life that I as a mere mortal human will never understand or
have concrete answers to (and maybe it's supposed to be that way because
I am NOT God) and once I accepted that fact, it was so much easier to
accept, without always questioning, all the stuff that used to be so "out
there" and "not logical."
So, moral of MY story - be true to yourself and accept what you wish
to believe as truth for your life and what you need to hold on to.
I personally think that God (my higher power) allows things to happen
on this earth that ARE purposely unexplainable in order to keep all
of us rather ignorant humans on our toes and questioning and reamining
open-minded about the endless possibilities of the universe and
"coincidences" like yours that happen much more often than anyone
realizes.  (like we really know for certain and beyond a shadow of
a doubt that there is NOT life on other planets even??) And think
about it - if we humans knew and understood everything about this vast
universe, then we would all be little gods superior to everything and
what would be left to look forward to and what would we have left to
challenge our puney finite minds?
I must admit, rather humbly, that I used to be such an analytical,
"unbeliever" that questioned EVERYTHING but I now rarely chock anything
up to "coincidence" anymore because I truly believe that everything
happens for a reason, whether it's for comfort, clarily, peace of mind,
greater understanding, whatever .... God (or someone) knew that what
you needed at this moment in your life and allowed you to "see" and
experience something very specific to your needs regarding your past
little "Turtle girl." WHAT A SPECIAL EVENT!  Don't discount that because
it was obviously what your heart and mind needed and be thankful that you
were given the opportunity to get another glimpse or reminder of that
special fuzzy so dear and still so near to your heart.
Thanks again for sharing from your heart :-)
Peace and lots of fuzzie hugs and kisses from beloved Sasha & Snowball
(and of course the toys, meds, food, TREATS and shuttle provider ...
[Posted in FML issue 4099]