I (along with Kat Parsons and Donna Christen) have been working on a new
website about lost ferrets.  The site is called Never-Forever Land.
It features stories of lost ferrets, found ferrets, and stories of hope.
There is also information on how to find a ferret and dangers that lurk
in and out of your home.  As well as links to other sites about lost
This is not an easy page for me to do....but after one of our shelter
kids (Scotty) escaped his new home, it is something that I just had to
I am asking for your personal stories.  They can be as long or short as
you want/need them to be.  You can include pictures as well.  You can
include your name if you want it on the site, it is up to you.  These
stories will be used on the site.  We have two stories so far.
Lost ferrets
Lost/found ferrets
Lost/found too late ferrets
Misplaced ferrets (looking all over the place for hours on end only to
find him curled up in your purse on your way to work!)
Here is what the site looks like so far:
If you have other links that you would like to have added here too I
would be more than happy to add them if they pertain to Lost Ferrets.
Please email me at [log in to unmask] with your stories/photos and links.
Thank you,"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4097]