Hey all....
We had an Emergency adrenal & decided,as long as we had driven 3 hrs from
WA State,to Oregon to see our Favorite Vet,DR Alice Davis.... to include
2 other "possibles"
We jumped in the Motor Home with all 9 kids & just left,calling Chris at
her Oregon City Shelter not to ask her but to let her know we were on our
way....we woke her up at midnight,to yet again express Rambo's bladder &
bring the kids inside.David had already put our cord out in the
She woke us up early,to be at the Vet by 8am...DR Alice put other
business on hold.
Rambo had a left,then Muffy a messy bloody right with a funky lymph node
(thanks to Chris,already in DR Williams office) and Gabriel a left....(no
symptoms but Rambo's pee blockage,i just knew...we talked,lol)
I was a Wreck:::::::::sigh::::::::::::::::::
Especially with Muffy......my 5 1/2 yr old baby,a mommies girl....she
wasn't coming around very fast.Her breathing was shallow...Chris stole
my Torb afraid i'd give it to her & really mess her up...(Nawwwwwww:)
Then i was sent to the Motor Home to drink wine....i HATE to drink wine
alone,(without dinner,hubby was there:) but it works,LOL
My nervous wreck self almost pushed her over but she held strong....we
stayed 2 days..
I was a real wreck when Saturdays volunteers (hundreds,i swear!) showed
up.chatter & laughter...all i needed;))  I lost it many times,but Chris
never did:))  As she told me,Muffy is just fine....Normal recovery i
Now we are home & bruises are disappearing (except the ones where she
kept kicking me:)
i can see i torture myself needlessly,at times... but that's just me.....
Bless you Chris for your expertise & your patience,Dr Alice for your
Wonderful skills & compassion,Katy for your pep talk,& Dave, for letting
us & so many others, invade your home at all hrs of the day or night...
Nothing is Sacred when your Shelter is in your home...nothing but the
ferrets...(now..i even know the color of Daves toothpaste:))
Thanks again & God Bless:)
Tara,Jerry & the Kids;))
Join our Ferret Group!! Club Med Ferrets
NEW! Go shopping with CMF, proceeds go to Shelters!
[Posted in FML issue 4096]