As we gather each day to share stories of hope and sorrow and humor we
strengthen that bond of friendship that we all have together.  Tragedies
have struck members of the FML and every time one of us posts such a
letter we are comforted by the outpouring of compassion from the FML
family.  The FML is my closest link to those outside my family and my job
and sometimes FML friendshave been there for me when my family could not.
I know many of us are fearfull for what the future holds at this point.
It is hard to imagine the best when the media shows us the intricate
weaponry available nowdays and they follow with live footage of missiles
lighting up the night sky.
My baby brother has been on the border of Kuwait since January.  He's
only 20 and, until recently, has lived a bit of a sheltered life.  He's
my only brother and I worry about his safety.  I wonder if he was in
the group of marines that crossed the border, I wonder if he's still as
scared as he was the last time I talked to him.  I sent him pictures of
his only nephew and the new baby ferret today as I know that they will
make him smile, at least I hope so- they always have before.
I've been the optimist in the family, keeping the hopes up among my
father and (step)mom.  In the last few days though it's been tough to
hold it together as we call eachother with every little update.  Times
like these I tend to find my greatest comfort in my fuzzies.  I curl up
with them and talk incessantly about my fears and hopes and they sense
that I need them.  They've never been a cuddly bunch, but when I've
needed them to be there they have never failed me.  Sometimes it's nice
to have these one sided talks with them.  They don't promise me anything
and they don't argue with me, they're content to lick away the tears and
act silly until I have to laugh.  They are my therapy and I love them
dearly for it.  I fear I will be needing it much more often until I
receive word that the war is over and my brother is fine.
I wish comfort and peace to the other FML members also experiencing the
fear and suffering of a loved one involved in this war.  May it all be
over soon.
[Posted in FML issue 4093]