Hello to all fuzzies and the people that they own,
I've read lots of stories about abused animals (and have adopted two
fuzzies that were dumped myself) and it's amazing how lovely they truly
turn out to be.... I was watching a segment on Animal Planet last night
and they had a programme about a dog that had been hit by a car and then
thrown 20 feet off a bridge, she had broken her back and was in great
pain (it almost killed me watching the poor thing crying out in pain as
a guy tried to pull her to safety) and she was taken in by a woman that
runs an animal shelter, she was given surgery on her back so she wouldn't
be in anymore pain and could lead a relatively normal life, besides not
being able to use her back legs.  She was adopted to the woman two weeks
later and was taken care of, she was great with the woman's little girl
and didn't even seem to mind being dressed up and having tea parties!
(haha so cute)  She was a loving dog by the seems of it, just like most
fuzzies become after traumatic experiences, and I honestly think it's
because they're given so much love by the person that takes them in that
they don't know the fear anymore, they are loved and cherished so much
that all they know how to do is give the love back to the person/people
that have helped them.
So keep loving your animals with all your heart and you will get that
back 10 fold.  They're such amazing creatures, I just wish more humans
were like that! :O)
Take care
[Posted in FML issue 4093]