I am thinking about making a very small change to the Card Exchanges
and I would like to hear people's opinions on this.  Even if you don't
participate in the Card Exchanges, your opinions are welcome.
For as long as I have been doing the exchanges, over two years now,
I have always added my name to all the lists I send out to the
participants.  So while each individual sends out 10-12 cards to the
people on their list, if I have 3 or 4 or 5 lists going out, that means
I am sending 30-40-50 cards out.  As the Card Exchanges are growing
(-which is wonderful) and more and more people are participating (-which
is great!), I am sending more and more cards.  Since we are growing, what
I'm thinking about doing instead of me sending cards to everyone, is
putting together a wonderful basket of goodies and giving it away to one
lucky card participant!  I will assign numbers to everyone who sends me a
card and whether you donate to Support Our Shelters or not, you name will
get a number.  When all the cards have arrived, I will ask BIG to pick a
number and that person would win the Gift Basket!
A picture of each gift basket will be available so everyone will know
exactly what they will have a chance to win!
So my question is: Would you rather me continue to send cards to
everyone, or would you like the chance to win a gift basket filled
with human and ferrety treats!  Please send your opinions directly
to me as not to clutter the FML with this!
Also.....the Card Exchange site is working perfectly after several tests
so you can now go and sign up for all the exchanges you would like to
participate in.  All of the exchanges we will be holding this year are
listed and you can sign up for the ones you want to join!  If in the
future you decide you can't participate, your name can be removed with no
problem!  If you don't want to sign up for any exchanges now, but would
like to receive a reminder of when the next exchange will be, you can
sign up for that as well!  Just visit:
and choose either the reminder or the sign-up!  Or.....you can just drop
me a line and tell me which ones you'd like to be included in and I will
make sure you get signed up!
Looking forward to the opinions on the Gift Basket and thanking Jen
and Kat for their support.  Without them, I'd be crying in the dark of
cyberspace all alone!
Judy Cooke
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 4060]