I have 7 ferrets.  Most of them will hop into the shower for a romp.
6 of them HATE to be bathed.  Not a problem, since I don't give baths
unless they get into something and get all funky.  But there is one,
Spike.  He's different.  He had a quick bath the night I got him to get
the petstore smell off.  Recently, though, he's been sick.  His liver and
spleen were very swollen.  When he'd pee, his little belly would drag in
it.  I was just using paper towels and warm water to rinse him, but that
wasn't working so well.  So, I decided it was time for a bath.  I didn't
want to, because I was afraid of causing him unneccesary stress, but I
had no other options.  So, into the bathroom sink he went.  To my great
surprise, he completely relaxed.  He rested his head on my hand and just
lounged in the warm water.  I was shocked.  I can't say that this is
because he's sick or not, because I just don't know.  He does love to
soak in a sink full of warm water.  He even loves the soap part.  He's
been getting a good soak every few days, with just water.  I don't want
to dry him out by using soap too often, but I do give him a good rubdown.
Then, he loves to be wrapped in a towel and just held for a bit.  His
belly is smaller now, the size of his spleen has gone down, so he's not
dragging in urine anymore.  But, until he starts to protest, he'll get
his soaks.  Silly ferret.
Beth and the Gang
Maybe,Alciabides,CT,Lucifer,Jett,Spike and Zazi the Beast
 ...and The Dude, who crossed over the Rainbow on 12/31/01
"Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but
to stop there is not enough.  We have a higher mission - to be
of service to them wherever they require it." -- St. Francis of Assisi
[Posted in FML issue 4067]