This last Saturday we had the honor of adopting two precious boys that
made their way via Paws On Wheels to Lawton Ok via another wonderful lady
Julie.  We drove to Lawton on Saturday morning to meet with these great
people.  Amid the chaos of the shuttle disaster which we heard on the
radio going up (had to stop and call my parents to make sure everyone
was okay) we were graciously welcomed into Sandy's home/shelter.  There
I met Bill and Harry from CJ's now affectionately known as Sammy (named
after a very close friends favorite fuzz) and Snoopy (cause he is sooooo
nosey-AKA JAWS) Jaws not because he bites, he is the sweetest ferret
ever, but because whatever he locks his jaws onto (wrapper of gum he
found, coco-puff) he will NOT let go with a scruff..  you have to trick
him with a treat!
Anyway, back to my original story.  We had a day of fun!  Not only did we
see some gorgeous babies ... we saw naked sweet ones too ... old, young,
hairy, not so hairy, kids that are on their way to 2nd surgeries, ones
that can't have surgery because they are too frail... But Sandy a
wonderful shelter Mom and fuzzy Mom is taking excellent care of them.
They have so much room to roam with plenty of warm sleepy places and much
more love than they wouldn't ever hoped for.  Yes, I wanted to take more
home I fell so in love with three especially.  Two were her personals :(
but this one big silver mitt fellow caught mine and my daughters eye.
Maybe just maybe we'll add another one to the business later ;) once we
get these two kids stronger and healthier and integrated.
CJ thank you again for trusting us!!!!  I can't wait to show you pictures
and let you know the boys progress.  They are in my room having free roam
in the Living room, my bedroom and the hall when we're home just getting
used to the place and after next weekend will be integrated with our gang
so everyone may have full roam again (my boys have 24/7 full roam in
their room and rest of the house minus the kitchen when we're home).
I am so thrilled to have these two wonderful boys to add to our home.
Snoopy just looks at you with that beautiful face and say "hey LADY
down here!!!!  Look at me and I'll make your heart melt ... pick me up
puleezzeee!!!!  And then there's Sammy (prior Harry) who is not so hairy
at the moment ... possible adrenal but hopefully just stress related hair
loss.  He's like a kit ... skittish but playful.  Loves the human play
and bounces with the best of them.  I already love them both :)  Here, as
with CJ's they will receive love, good food, care by a wonderful ferret
vet and they have a forever home that I can promise.  Thank you CJ, Julie
(our wonderful angel fuzzy courier that drove many many miles) and Sandy
for letting us play and meet your kids.  We had a wonderful time all
around sightseeing and visiting.  We hope to make that trip again one day
soon :)
Leanne, Britney
Cocoa, Rascal, Tig, Jewels, Cali, Pugs, Sammy and Snoopy
[Posted in FML issue 4048]