Hello Again,
I've come across ANOTHER article that is relavent to a previous
discussion regarding what ferrets can and can't eat.  My ferrets have
always liked dog food (as a treat when they can get it away from the
dog ) and fresh vegetables (especially green peppers).  According to an
article in Ferrets USA 2003, the following foods should not be given to
Apples or Carrots: too difficult to digest and may cause intestinal
blockages or choking, Chocolate: contains theobromine a potentially fatal
chemical for ferrets, Cookies and Cakes: sugary desserts can cause
diabetes and dental problems, Dog Food: Too low in protein and fat, and
lacks the nutrients ferrets require, Milk/Dairy Porducts: The Lactose in
these foods can cause diarrhea and vomiting, Red Licorice: too sticky and
sugary for ferrets to eat and digest, Whole nuts/Popcorn: can cause
choking and blockages in the intestines or bowels.
Hope This Help,
[Posted in FML issue 4066]