Melissa, thanks for posting this!  No one had told me.  In fact, as I
read your post, my wonderful friends, who run the convention, sat in my
living room and chuckled.  They wanted it to be a surprise, they said.
I'll hurt them later.  :)
I'm glad they've chosen SOS as this year's charity.  I've been pestering
them with the information for a couple of years now.  I hope that this
year we will top last year's amazing total.  I will do everything I can
to help it happen!
-Anastasia Kidd
PS: If there is anything that I can do to help the SOS folks, all they
have to do is ask.  I can man the display tables, act as a liason to the
con, whatever.  If they'd like some sample ferrets, I offer up my guys,
especially Fugly of the Christmas rescue.  I think he'd make a good
[Posted in FML issue 4063]