Does anyone out there with ferrets have CFIDS?  Do your ferrets get sick
when you do?  I have this immune disorder and pick up cold and flu
viruses constantly and whenever I get sick, Rocky gets sick, too, and
often to the same extent.  (Please don't suggest I wash my hands, I
already wash them at least 30 x a day because I'm always picking up
Rocky's poop papers.) If I had known this would be a problem before I got
Rocky, I wouldn't have gotten a ferret (though I didn't have much choice
since a friend gave him to me as a birthday present).  Also, I didn't
know until I got Rocky that I was picking up lots of different viruses as
I always have the same symptoms and they are not the same as normal
Looking for Akiko and Chobi--I have been having computer problems and
lost your email address.  Please email me.
To Sukie: I liked your recent article in Ferrets.  Was that a picture of
Condolences to all with sick or angel fuzzies.
Shron & Rocky
[Posted in FML issue 4047]