Hello FML!  I am new to the list and this is my first post.  My SO and
I have just added two new additions to our family.  They are sweet
rambunctious ferrets.  The boy's name is Podo and the girl's name is
KiKi.  I had a question.  KiKi is extremely squirmy girl (go figure, a
squirmy ferret...hehe).  Anyways, she can easily squirm her way out of a
harness.  I've tried the regular type harness and the mesh type harness
and she can get out of both with much ease.  I have tightened it as much
as possible and to no avail, like Houdini, she escapes.  Can anyone make
any recommendations on another type of harness that I can try?
Thank you and happy dooking...
:::::mommy to Podo and KiKi:::::
[Posted in FML issue 4063]