Oh Rebecca,
I share your tears about Muggles remembering my own household tragedy.  I
want to share something with you that finally helped me come to grips
with this.  You've already read about my communication abilities.  I
don't know what your beliefs are regarding this but I'm going to share
this with you anyway because you need to hear this right now.
I went to this animal communication workshop a couple weeks ago for a
couple reasons.  I wanted to see first hand that this ability was real
as well as learn more about it.  During our workshop I paired up with
Lorelei's assistant Talley.  I wanted her to speak with Cotton Tarantella
Dancing Vampirella who is at the Bridge.  I needed to confirm the message
I beleived I was receiving from her.  This was hard for me Rebecca.  I
had no idea what Cotton was going to relay to me.  Was she mad at me?
Did she blame me for the accident?  Did she hate me for taking her life
away at only 3 years old?  I had no idea what she would say.and...in a
way this was a sort of test of the whole communication ability.  I knew
that if this woman could relay any verifiable information regarding
Cotton, that she really could speak with her that this was all the proof
I needed that the communicative abilities are real.  VERY real.  In case
you don't remember, Cotton is my little dark eyed white that died when
she ran under the sofa and I didn't see her in July 2002.  The sofa
landed on her mid section.
I have never met Talley before and all I told her is that I wanted her
to contact Cotton who had passed.  She had no other information.  As she
began the communication, Talley closed her eyes, took a deep breath and
grabbed her ribs telling me she felt pressure and a sort of seizing
sensation.  Tears rolled down my face and I was completely aghast.  She
was feeling the physicals associated with Cotton's passing.  This was
no BS.  Among other things that confirmed she had indeed contacted my
little Cotton, she shared this with me.  Cotton did not even realize that
I was to blame or had dropped a sofa on her.  She didn't even make a
distinction between this life and the life at the Bridge.  Animals have
a way of leaving their bodies to avoid any type of pain associated with
their passing.  I really hope that this is somewhat of a comfort for you.
I know how painful this is.
Sharing your grief,
Kim and da kids at SUMS
Fuzzy Hugs from Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Ask me how you can virtually eliminate the need for veterinary dental
[Posted in FML issue 4062]