Found this on a board I'm on and of course I had to see what came up for
"ferret"  (It was 2 a.m. and I was trying anything to amuse myself and
stay awake for the next five hours until I got off work)  Some of them
are better than others.  any comments in ( ) are mine...There were so
many things for "ferret" I had to edit all but the best stuff for it
to be short enough to post!
Googlism for: ferret
ferret is under way
ferret is now online (Darned FLO operatives at it again I apparently)
ferret is very mischevious (Nah, just a myth)
ferret is doing a strange thing with her mouth (No telling what that
          could be!)
ferret is that it is comprehended
ferret is a smart animal (sometimes TOO smart!)
ferret is a biter what should i do?
ferret is lost
ferret is a domesticated carnivore in the mustelidae family
ferret is a matriarch
ferret is also very good in opening locks (Clever little monkeys aren't
ferret is that it is comprehended to be a low maintenance pet
ferret is the perfect pet for you (I couldn't have said it better!)
ferret is a well respected fifth grade teacher (WOW, I knew public
          schools were desperate for teachers...)
ferret is about to go to the bathrooms they will usually search for a
corner to go in and exhibit a backing up motion with their rear end
ferret is the right pet for you
ferret is the most popular pet after dogs and cats in this country
          (ferrets are cooler than cats and dogs! hehe)
ferret is motionless (as it lies under the couch/bed waiting to pounce on
          unsuspecting ankles!)
ferret is a direct descendant of the european polecat
ferret is caged it is important that they receive 4 but no less that 2
           hours of "out of cage time" a day
ferret is sick
ferret is behaving or appearing abnormally (and "normal" behavior is...)
ferret is also incredible fast and extremely curious (think a hybrid of
          Curious George and Speed Racer)
ferret is a beast of prey and not as so many people think a rodent
          (AMEN!  How many times have those exact words come out of
          my nmouth... If only I had a nickle for every time!)
ferret is rather uninviting (only to those who haven't met them!)
ferret is fighting you
ferret is our best friend ferret stuff is fun (OH YEAH!)
ferret is specialized for the needs of atmosphere
ferret is nocturnal and may be active above ground for only a few minutes
          every few days
ferret is active in daylight (Revision: Ferret is active whenever you are
          trying to do anything tedious!)
ferret is about 2 feet long (WHAT! You mean I have vertically challenged
          ferrts!  Better invest in one of those midevil stretching
ferret is found in open space where prairie dog towns are found
ferret is designed to constantly search and dig out the information in
          a time efficient and cost effective manner  (HA!  That only
          applies to things they aren't supposed to have!)
ferret is pine pelleted litter
ferret is or has been restless and irritable
ferret is a domestic animal descended from polecats
ferret is visit the kennel beforehand
ferret is a type of small mammal that belongs to the weasel
ferret is listed as an official endangered species
ferret is relatively young
ferret is a highly energized pet (Spastic is another good word for it!)
ferret is 20 to 24 inches in length
ferret is a playful creature which will supply endless laughter with his
          tricks and games (You're darned right they can!)
[Posted in FML issue 4061]