Hey friends!
It's your ole buddy Jerimiah here!!  WOWWEE cold or no cold things is
really hopping here at Ferret Wise!!!!  You might remember I told you we
got some Christmas ferrets in- well the kids is eating and pooping up a
storm- starting to look good Mom says they is looking sooo fine!  Soon
they can get there booster shots - THEN!  All of a sudden 3 more little
kits arrived 2 are mean little nippers (but Mom is having a heart to
heart with them)-- and one has hair falling all out!  What a UGLY funny
looking coat that kid has so all of these kids get to o to the vets in
the AM.
Mom said they is going to check ski and blood on this kid to try to
figure if it is hormones or thyroid or something else which has caused
him to look so darned raggedy.  He is supposed to be a dark boy but looks
really odd right now!  I hoep that it is just a quick fix cuz - Oh boy!
I can hardly hardly wait to meet them - ALL these little tiny ferrets to
teach my life is so full of promise!
These kids are a surprise here-- and Mom barely squeezed they cage in
tonight for them-- later on the weekend we gets more kids in that shelter
Dad has to pick up-- oh BOY a full housemI can't remember when we had so
many kids- we will be abletoparty all night long!  I love new faces-- MOm
hopes none will have to stay too long!
In the meantime you can check out ebay-- ONE MORE great Jerimiah Ferret
window sticker is up there-
there are some more NEW calendars & hammies too!  If you feel like
shopping the proceeds will help to vaccinate the new kids and test the
kid with the funny funny coat!
I hear we may get buckets of snow to play in too in another day-- oh boy
that "naked - almost kid" might get cold!
HUgs to you!  and I wanna play in the snow!
Jerimiah- mascot
Ferret Wise Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4061]