Muggles came to me about 4 years ago, one of those left in the pet store
too long babies.  I saw him in October that year, beautiful dark sable
boy who all he wanted to do was kiss.  Went home, talked to Larry, went
back and got him.  He was Mr. Ambassador for the new ones that came in,
and when Baby came to us he and Muggles chummed right up.  Mugs was
hardly ever sick, but either Smokey or Spunky bit him one time, and he
got an infection from it.  We got it cleared up, but every now and then
this would happen again.
Muggles made 3 moves with us, had a blast the whole time, and loved being
here in the house.  He loved racing up and down the stairs, and when
Larry hooked the tube to the wall, well, he was in 7th heaven.  About a
month ago one of the boys bit him again, and he got a serious infection.
We'd been working on him, got that cleared up but his weight didn't want
to come back.  I had a thyroid check done, insulinoma check you name it.
But still he just didn't seem to want to turn back and gain weight.
Yesterday was cage and bed cleaning, and I put in all new bedding for
them.  I got up this morning around 6, uncovered the cages but for some
reason didn't look in there like I normally do.  I always check for him.
I must have been up and down those stairs a dozen times this morning.
Around 9:00 am I went up, looked in and saw a ferret hanging head down,
sheet wrapped around them.  I started ripping the cage open, grabbing the
ferret and the sheet, and oh, God, it was Muggles.  He was cold, but he
whimpered.  I held him, jerked the sheet and raced downstairs, trying to
hold him and yet get that thing off.  It was like a noose around his
middle.  I ripped it off and started massaging him all over, trying to
warm him, trying to get him to breathe, and all I could do was cry and
call his name.  I raced upstairs and got the stethoscope, my daughter got
up and tried CPR, but he was gone.  I checked the sheet-it was one I'd
used before, but it had this huge slit in it, nothing he should have
gotten caught in till I saw this hole, where he'd gone through and gotten
twisted.  I'm sitting here blaming myself-why didn't I check this damned
sheet?  It wasn't one of my normal sheets, one that was ours.  I don't
even remember where it came from, but I always check their bedding, how
did this slip by me, how, why?  And now Muggles has paid for my stupid
I have him wrapped in a t-shirt here in the living room and his group is
out, they keep going over to see him, I keep hoping against hope he'll
get up, but I know he won't, I know the signs too well.  I don't know if
I'll ever forgive myself for this.  I ripped all the bedding out of their
cage and anything that even looked like the beginning of a hole I threw
it out.  They had one of my old flannel long sleeved nightshirts, and
it's no longer with sleeves.  When I let the others out this will all be
repeated.  Please, people, be diligent-tiny hole, get rid of it.
Muggles, I'm so sorry, I should have checked better, I should have looked
for you when I got up.  I barely got to tell you about the bridge, where
I didn't want you to be so soon.  I will never forgive myself for this,
never.  Please find all your friends at the Bridge, the Crew of Merry
Mayhem contingent.  I know you're already there, I know your happy, but
please forgive me.  Sandee make sure Muggles is there with the rest of
my Crew.  Muggles, please forgive me, I love you.
Rebecca & the Crew of Merry Mayhem, sadly missing another one, their
Gentleman Ferret
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 4061]