Hi all --
I haven't written much since Tasha escaped, I know.  That whole period of
time was very hard on our family.  We still have no idea where she is,
but hope she is well-loved.
Yesterday, Valentine's Day, our wonderful old guy Max let me know it was
time.  He's been suffering with insulinoma and adrenal, but both very
manageably.  He was exactly 3 months from his 9th birthday.  His body was
systematically shutting down, so we made the painful decision, yet again.
Max was a dedicated sock-stealer.  He'd take them right off your feet!
Right up until yesterday morning, he was at us to let him get in the
bathtub, so he could like it dry.  In fact, it was only the last month or
so he wasn't able to pull himself into and out of the bathtub.  He loved
his duck soup and running around outside.  We are so heartbroken here.
Paul, who's only 3, asked someone on his play cell phone to "come over
and fix Max so he works again." It just twisted the knife in my heart.
Mid-week, Max began having problems walking.  He'd walk a few steps and
fall over.  But he was still determined to get to the tub.  Right around
then, his bowels became liquid and just poured out, which caused his poor
little anus to become raw.  But he still enjoyed his duck soup.
Thursday night, he really couldn't walk at all, his bowels were still
liquid, and he began this horrible shaking -- like a palsy, someone with
Parkinsons.  By yesterday morning, after his tub run, he wasn't able to
keep his body heat.  When I got home from work yesterday I just knew, and
I couldn't let him suffer any more.
We've never lost two so close together.  I feel like the rug has been
pulled out from under me..
Sandee, can you please watch for Max?  I'm sure he'll be anxious to see
Sidney again, as they were best buddies.  Please let him know how much
we miss him and we love him.  Our hearts are heavy but I believe he's
feeling much better now, and probably has all his hair back.
Amy, Dave, Sarah & Paul
(and their gaggle of ferrets -- not giggling today)
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia, Sidney & Max
Missing Tasha
[Posted in FML issue 4060]