My name is Don Miller and I am a new ferret "owner".
To make a long story short, yesterday to fill a void in my life (wife
took my kids from me and has to re-think our situation), I decided to
LOOK at some ferrets as a "pet".  Well, I picked my kids up for our
weekend visitation session and revisited the pet store.  They fell in
love (5 and 3).  I bought the darn thing and brought it home.  In the
truck ride home I asked what to name the ferret, My son said Nameo,
and the name stuck with my daughter too.  This morning I had some company
and thought I lost poor Nameo down the vent for the dryer and he had
escaped.  So I went out with the sobbing children and bought Bingo.  When
we got back we all were very happy to see Nameo sitting on the couch
looking at us like we left him for good.  They play like old chums, it is
so cute (not an expression I usually use unless it is about my kids).
I always thought of the stories about how people feel about their ferrets
was silly, but now I understand, we have been watching the two of the
monsters bite our ankles, chase my daughter, and kiss us..... And we all
love it!!
Do y'all think it is bad that I do not cage them up?  I have a cage for
them at night when I cannot watch them and for when I am at work, but
during the day they run the house.  I keep a tidy house (well, okay, I am
anal about cleaning) and not much passes my eye ('cept a hiding ferret).
I have a make shift litter box and a makeshift bed for them.  Until next
payday they are kinda my little vagabonds, but they seem very happy and
I have a ton of questions and I will watch to see if the answers pop up
or if I really have to ask.
[Posted in FML issue 4060]