>I did read somewhere that a truly astounding percentage of vet bills
>don't get paid which really disgusts me; the number I saw was shocking.
Good point.  I think it's just another symptom of how little respect our
pets (ANY pets) and their veterinarians really get.
>If it were more publicly shaming to be a deadbeat these days then
>perhaps there would again be more trust out there in general.
Good thought.  But with our "victim mentality" these days, we'll never
see anything of the sort - even though the ones who aren't receiving
their payments are the *real* victims.
>Hmmmmmmm, perhaps we should take the current "Might is right and
>rich is might." attitude and go to the Ancient Roman voting practise
Wouldn't work.  People (Americans at least) are far more interested in
impressing the neighbors than in voting for their next leader.  American
voter turnout hits amazing new lows every election.  Even if it did work,
I bet (in my cynical way) that it would cause individuals to start acting
like today's public companies - sacrificing long-term financial health
for the sake of pumping up the short-term net worth.
roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear
[Posted in FML issue 4055]