Danielle Dixon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>I was wondering if anyone could have any suggestions as to what could
>be making my little boy cough.
I'd run Oliver past a vet just to check him out.  Ferrets often cough
when they're eating -- they're really not well designed to eat kibble
and can get a too-large piece in their throats.  They cough to get it
out.  This is almost always NOT a problem for them.  If your ferret
coughs after drinking, it could be that your water bottle is not at the
optimal height for him.  Try raising it or lowering it, depending on
whether he seems to strain up or down to drink from it.  He could cough
after running because he comes in contact with dust or something (are
you sure this is coughing and not sneezing -- they seem very similar
in ferrets!).  If he seems to flop down a lot during play, then you're
looking at something entirely different -- and a vet check is very
important, as you could be looking at a heart problem.  But if he plays
normally, then that's not likely.
As for smoking -- it really doesn't matter if you leave the windows
open -- the tar from cigarettes gets on EVERYTHING.  Ferrets are
sensitive to cigarette smoke.  (You can read about ferrets and cigarette
smoke in Issue #31 of Modern Ferret.)  It would be better for your ferret
if you smoked outside.  It would better for you if you quit. :o)  You can
read about how I quit (10 years ago, thankyouverymuch!) here:
I hope the coughing turns out to be nothing serious.
--Mary & the Fuzzies
Mary & The Modern Ferrets
Trixie, Koosh, & Gabby
Read my blog --
[Posted in FML issue 4052]