I was wondering if anyone could have any suggestions as to what could be
making my little boy cough.
Sometimes after a big play session, run, drink or food he will cough -
sometimes for up to 5 minutes.  The confusing things is that he doesn't
always cough after these things.
I don't believe he has a cold, he doesn't appear to be sick either, he's
three months old and has had all his shots.
I do smoke, but the house always has a couple of windows wide open for
fresh air and when I smoke I'm not close to Ollie.
It only worries me so mush because he whole body jerks and moves when he
coughs, it can't be comfrontable for him.
From Danni & Oliver 'Ollie' Twist, who always wants more!
Danielle Dixon
Office Manager
J.S.McMillan Printing Group
Ph: 02) 6230 6200
Fx: 02) 6230 6444
[Posted in FML issue 4051]