YOu are a compasssionate and caring person right?  If there was an animal
that needed help you would do whatever it takes to get it into another
"life saving" environment , right?  Rescue seems like a logical thing to
many-- but PLEASE BEWARE this is what may cost NH ferret shelters and
OTHER small licensed shelters to close... and maybe not just in NH
the individual states requirements for interstate transport!  It may be
that to lawfully transport the ferrets or other animals you will need to
get Health certificates issued in each state as you travel..  AND DO NOT
ATTEMPT to take any sick animals across state lines!  Depending on the
state you can be held liable for hefty fines and penalties w/o and
interstate transit Health certificate on EACH INDIVIDUAL ANIMAL!
I remember a short time ago on list reading about a ferret / dog rescue
form OH to NY the dogs had parvo -- why anyone in their right mind would
think of moving untreated highly contagious animals is beyond me-- but
then I guess being a shelterer with a concern for contagions it just is
not something I could conceive!  but this is what caught public attention
and has cost NH shelterers yet another hurdle!
It seems that several new rescue groups formed and have been holding
adoption days in Pelham, NH.  Many rescues travel up to adopt (same day
no pre screening etc.) cats & dogs.  One group in particular NH DOGLIFT
has cost us shelterers dearly in the long run.  Through internet chats &
publications they were arranging to bring in a canine from Tenn.  Ends
up this canine became ill and was not transported - and in the end had
active canine distemper.  It also seems that rescue folks bringing these
animals across the state line ( that was the argument FOR HB367) had NO
interstate health certificates.  THESE are LAWFULLY required in bringing
animals across the state line for transfer...
So , once the parties started revealing this intended canine contracted
canine distemper and haplessly posted it on chat groups - thus providing
evidence for contagion epidemic!  It was the nail in the coffin, so to
speak, to end any non profit agency in NH to be able to adopt out any
animal w/o a CURRENT health certificate.  Now mind you in NH a health
cert is only valid for 14 days!  and there is a vet fee involved in
obtaining the vet signed health certificate-- EVEN IF the animal has
been currently vaccinated and vetted.  This will add a cost of $20 for
HC plus office fee to each and every animal transferred in the state of
NH -- regardless of whether the animal agency charges a fee or not!
NH LEGISLATORS and SENATORS want to protect their constituents- the NH
voters.  CONSUMER PROTECTION is more precious than animal emergencies!
SO when someone in IA wants to adopt a ferret in MO please think about
the risk you are taking with volunteer transports- liabilities can be
very high and the costs can be far more than gas and oil!  THOSE FERRET
OWNERS IN NH_- who want to voice their OBJECTIONS to HB367 need to
contact their Legislative represntatives NOW!
If you are a NH resident- or know someone in NH with ferrets who want to
see the shelters remain open email to the above email addy- I will send
you the legislative links to contact your reps RIGHT AWAY!
shelter volunteer-- until 2004 at Ferret Wise
Please where ever you reside think carefully before you become a rescue
hero/ heroine.  It takes only 1 sick animal or 1 illegally transported
animal to ruin the work of small non profit shelters...
We now hang in the balance as the bill sits in study committee-- but
judging on what I overheard today-- we are going to need to raise an
additional $1,000 per year to continue adoption programs at Ferret
IN additional to all the vet care, RX's, food.  litter, laundry,
electric, etc. it is nearing the point where we wonder if we can afford
to shelter at all in NH -- when one looks forward to only losing $120
dollars on an adoption (after adoption fee) instead of the $400-$1200
or more loss we see commonly in our cases needing veterinary care..
[Posted in FML issue 4050]