Hey everyone, sorry for going awol for the last week, Had an unexpected
injury but everything's fine for now.
I would like to thank everyone that has sent ticket money for the SOS
raffle, and I guess a deadline needs to be set...the deadline to send
ticket money will be Feb.  14th The following people I have recieved
ticket moneys from:
Fudge, meeko, and maxi
(also, If you sent a check in the mail about a week and a half ago, and
your name wasn't on this list PLEASE email me I need to talk to you)
As everyone can see, that these lucky 4 people have a very good chance at
winning a cage full of bedding (why not make your odds better and help
out SOS?)
On feb. 15th, the winner will be picked, and I will ask them the specs
of their cage, and I will personally sew that person a complete cage full
of bedding including sleep sacks, hammies, cubes, tunnels, and anything
else I can think of :)
If you would like to send the money directly to S.O.S. Via paypal,
PLEASE send me a copy of the receipt so I can account you for your
tickets.  Their paypal addy is [log in to unmask]
please let me know if you would like to snail-mail your ticket money and
I will be more than happy to provide you with an address.
If you have any questions, or concerns, PLEASE ask :)
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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[Posted in FML issue 4048]