>From:    Himberger Gerri <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Irony
>In reading my new fert magazine I noticed ads from Path valley and
>Marshall's offering food to shelters at a discount.  Does anyone else see
>anything wrong here?  It's their ferrets in the shelters in 99% of the
>cases.  They are making money all the way around, without having to take
>any responsibility for any of it.  A little nauseating if you ask me.
Hi Gerri,
I hear this alot on FML and I'm sorry but it is NOT Marshall Farms's
fault, nor Path Valley, nor anyone other breeder's fault there are
ferrets in shelters.  It is the public at large that thinks that animals
are disposible commodities like empty toilet paper rolls that cause this.
Marshall Farms is in business to make money.  Plain and simple.  People
(most of whom have no clue or first hand experience) bewail the "awful"
conditions that farms raise their animals in.  Hogwash, you don't make
money by keeping your livestock in poor conditions.  Disease and death
aren't profitable.  Think about it.
Also, they do not have to turn around and discount their products to
anyone for any reason.  They have no moral or ethical obligation to do
so.  They choose to for whatever reason.  Its not fair to accuse the
manufacturer when we the people don't know how to care for their product.
If there is no demand then there is no supplier.  We all in some way,
shape or form are responsible for this condition.
While we of the FML love these darling creatures beyond words, they are
not the only animals that suffer inhumane treatment at the hands of the
consumer.  And whether we like the term or not we are CONSUMERS.
So as my granny used to say, "Before you come knocking at my back door
clean your own yard up first."  Believe me we all need to look at that
yard once in awhile.  If for no other reason than a reality check and
a to find our place in it.
Hawk & Patrick,
Salem, Faye, Bandit, Bowser, Bailey, Ferry and Sugar the ferts
Pyewacket  & Azriel the cats
and Smokey the African Grey
Blessings to all animals great and small and those of us who love and
adore them.
[Posted in FML issue 4048]