A friend of mine told me that her ferret has been having what she thinks
might be seizures.  On two seperate occasions, he has gone completely
limp and can't seem to move any muscles.  He drools and stares blankly.
Within a few hours he's bouncing around again as if nothing happened.
I asked her if she'd taken him to the vet.  She said she hadn't because
by the time she got an appointment he'd be acting fine again.  What might
be going on with him?  What should she do?  Any ideas/advice would be
Also, does anyone know what do to about a speed-eater?  One of my girls
eats so fast that she makes herself sick.  I'll catch her gagging and
spitting up right after she's eaten.  How can I get her to slow down?
Thanks in advance for your help.
[Posted in FML issue 4071]